Blue & Navy Suspenders

After your standard white and black suspenders, blue suspenders always rank as a top suspender choice, especially for those interested in a colored suspender. As a classic masculine color, not only do blue suspenders work for a variety of occasions, they’re also a suspender that can be worn in a variety of ways to suit all style preferences.


Looking for a suspender that can take you from day to night? Blue suspenders are a favorite for a versatile option. With both button and clip attachments, you can go for a white dress shirt, paired with a skinny baby blue suspender to give off that boyish look that’s perfect for the modern man looking to make a style statement. 

On the other hand, while we usually tend to favor colored suspenders against a white shirt, blue suspenders are an ideal option for playing with a tone on tone look. In particular, a navy dress shirt paired with blue suspenders always makes for a classic style statement. Bottom line: it’s hard to go wrong with a pair of blue suspenders in your wardrobe.