Why You Should Never Wear Suspenders with a Belt

In the recent fashion world, there has been a quite a frenzy of debunked fashion no-no’s. This has created a world where it’s ok to wear white after labor day, brown and black are now an ok color combo, and women rarely match their shoes with their handbag. However, there are still some faux pas that must be noted. For JJ Suspenders, seeing someone wear a belt with their suspenders is definitely cringe-worthy. This is no arbitrary rule, here are some reasons why your shouldn’t.

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It’s Redundant

- This should be pretty obvious for most of us. And yet we still see this suspender/belt combo out on the streets all the time. Belts are made to hold your pants up by cinching in at your waist/hips. Suspenders are also made to hold your pants in place by bracing the pants over the shoulders - this creates a more flattering silhouette and is much more comfortable throughout the day since it’s not forcing your mid-section to be squeezed in order to hold your pants up. Bottom line, if you feel that your belt or suspenders can’t do the job on it’s own, it might be time to go to a tailor.


It’s Unflattering

- As described above, belts cinch the waist and can often times create an unflattering muffin top. Add a pair of suspenders which will only frame your muffin top and boom, a perfect way to draw a person’s eye right to your gut. Unless you are part of the lucky few who are built like a Greek god and are used to people gawking at your chiseled abs. Either way, this is still a big no.


It’s Terrible

- Let’s be frank, no good can come from wearing suspenders and a belt at the same time. It’s gawky, awkward, uncomfortable looking, and just plain wrong. It’s like wearing a baseball hat and visor at the same time - pointless.   


Honestly, this is so much better.




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